13 Magic Meditations

13 Magic Meditations


Meditations to help you tap into your own deep well of love, comfort, security, wisdom, and oh-wait-I-do-have-everything-I-need.

Meditations for easing overwhelm, shifting anger, soothing sadness & grief, healing a broken heart, releasing worry, dissolving blocks, falling asleep, and connecting with joy.


You'll receive meditations for...

  • easing overwhelm

  • moving through anger

  • soothing sadness & grief (into something that feels slightly better)

  • healing a broken heart (broken hearts just suck and I’m so sorry you’re going through it - but this will help)

  • worry (quieting a spinning brain and banishing the brain gremlins)

  • dissolving blocks (bye-bye horrible feeling of being stuck in the cement)

Meditations for feeling…

  • secure and safe

  • ease

  • joy (an activation with the unicorns - they really wanted in on this one)

  • returning to love


  • hearing your intuition and receiving guidance of your higher self

  • following your soul's path

  • going to sleep

  • and a bonus meditation to help you balance your energy

Many of the meditations feature channeled guidance and energetic healings from Joan of Arc, Mother Mary, Jesus/Yeshua, and Archangel Michael - and don't be surprised when the unicorns show up - they straight up took over the joy meditation.