Joy is one of the highest energies we can experience. It helps us ascend - out of pain, disappointment, shame, and all those other heavier energies that we get so much of as humans.

Because so many systems rely on our lower energies to continue, living a life of joy is one of the most revolutionary acts we can participate in - and it comes with sweet bonuses.

Anything done in the energy of joy creates a ripple effect that echoes through your life, work, creativity, and the world.

Do something in the energy of joy and it has tremendous impact.

Do something from the energy of shame and it will be ignored.

This is for the best (even though it doesn’t feel like it).

Because the last thing the world needs is more shame.

Momentary joy is available at any time - it requires only your presence.

A life of sustained joy requires true personal power.

Anything we do in joy helps us ascend, helps the world ascend. Anything we create in the energy of joy creates massive impact. Anything we choose and commit to in the energy of joy creates a timeline shift - for our lives and for the world.

The intention here is to shift you into joy.

We are craving more joy. The world is craving more joy.

So how do we get there?

That’s what we’ll explore in Ascension this September.

The inaugural program in Joy Road, Ascension will help you step fully into joy - and take your life, your work, your creative projects, your relationships, even your bank account, with you.

Joy requires deep presence. Joy requires navigating the harder, stickier feelings. Joy requires moving with the shadows. As humans, we’re constantly immersed in the full spectrum. But as we navigate that spectrum, rather than shut down, we learn our strength and expand our capacity to bounce.


September 3 - 12

Three powerful transmissions

accompanied by supporting healings

- because ascending into joy isn’t done with the mind, it’s accomplished in the body and the energy.

Attend live or watch the replays.

Ascension is the Inaugural Program in Road Trip

Road Trip
Every month

Cancel any time.

Each month features a brand-new program!


Kind Words

from clients in past programs

"I'm so grateful for these past few months and this group. It is helping me acknowledge my higher self. I'm feeling called to lead with love and light. To spread joy and gratitude. This class has helped me understand that. I am feeling such gratitude for this space right now, and not just for the love I have been shown personally. Thank you for your beautiful generosity." - Anna Springer Cronin

"I have been so incredibly grateful for your work and this space over the last few months. It's like a spirit boot camp to get back to myself in a way that feels so amazing. Watching you shift into this space and trust as teacher has offered as much learning as everything. Being able to witness the teacher aspect, your accessibility and your vulnerability in doing this as you go felt like being in a fairy forest where you remember it's not about who is watching, it's about being true to you. Such big learning for me on that front too - you're an incredible role model. Having been a spirit groupie from a young age, and then coming into my own, I'm aware I judge a bit how much I trust people and what they bring into this kind of space. I so rarely do group style spiritual healing or activities because it never felt like me - and yet my gut and my spirit trust you completely which says to me both an energy aligned and an energy used so powerfully and with the highest integrity - it's that much closer to the core of spirit." - Heather Reagan

"This was transformative in the way I think about myself and my gifts - and I know this will help me out in the world as well. It’s leading me to greater acceptance of myself. Being able to drop the incredulity and self-doubt is bringing me so much relief, and even joy. Thank you." - Liv White

"Amazing things have been happening already. Synchronicities. Epiphanies. Cleansing tears. All of a sudden, everything seems to make sense. And I mean everything. There's a fire of courage and power burning in my belly that I have never felt before. Boy, this path is amazing." - Paula Sisson



Helping sensitive humans harness their magic is my joy and my jam. I'm a channel and multi-dimensional energetic healer. Manifesting generator with a 5/1 profile. Seventh generation intuitive. I’m on this path with you, sharing what comes through me for all of us.

After over a decade of deep spiritual dives and learning myself as a channel and energy healer, I’ve been helping creatives, entrepreneurs, healers, and sensitive people thrive since 2015. Watching your lives unfurl and bloom with love, creativity, and wild abundance is my reason and purpose.

As we bring our magic forward, our lives and the lives of those around us take another giant leap forward - and we get to have a lot more fun along the way.

Love, Amber


Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive channel, not a therapist, medical professional, or financial consultant. I deeply believe in this work and it has been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can not guarantee specific results. Each person who participates takes responsibility for any changes that do or don’t occur. I don’t offer refunds, but you can cancel at any time. Purchasing this program is an agreement to these terms.