you’re being called to something big
you know it, you feel it.
you’re ready to explore your next level, your next evolution. you’re ready to blaze your big brilliance, step fully into your creative genius, using challenges to create more momentum instead of stop you cold. You’re ready to tap into your big wisdom, your intuition. While creating your greatest relationships, biggest bank account, and doing the work you came here to do. all while basking in joy.
2025 is your year, my friend.
Doors close on February 2!
"I love Amber - she has a true gift. If you're called to step into something big, consider this. Amber has been supporting me, and I can't tell you the difference it has already made in my life. It's exactly what I needed and worth so much to me. Her work is one of the most useful things I've encountered, and I want it in my life all the time. She's such a clear channel." - Brenda Peregrine
Healing for the tender places, that feel bruised and exhausted.
deep connection as you ignite your magic and power.
THe Explorer is a Transformative container spanning 2025, designed to support you deeply as you explore your next evolution.
"The words Amber said, calmly and rationally and insistently - were exactly what I needed to hear. So much so that I spent the next two days in bed, almost exhausted for feeling so seen. So recognized. It was like I could finally exhale after carrying around such worry with me. I needed time to process what she said, and then, coming out the other side, I felt reborn and re-energized. As a writer you'd think I'd have better words to explain but I can't: She's magic." - Laura Jane Williams
So what exactly is this?
It’s an exploration.
If you choose to use 2025 to explore your emotions, your creativity, your purpose, your joy, your magic, your bright light - your life could look and feel so much more beautiful by this time next year.
If you’re familiar with my work, the first thing to know is that everything we do together in 2025 will be entirely new. Received, channeled, taught, and shared from a new place, from a new experience of life, spirit, and humanity.
The Explorer container is set up to support you in the transformation you most desire this year, to help you expand into the you your soul came here to be. My intention is to support you as you show up fully for yourself this year - to your art, your relationships, your self-care, your work, your money, and the things that bring you joy. I want this container to support you in living a life in full integrity with your truth, your desires, and your purpose.
My intention is that each element of our year together is a joy. Each group and individual session flows with love and sacred creative force. That you experience everything from profound transformation to deep ease and rest. That you receive exactly what you need, in the way you need it.
The explorer is a year-long container featuring ten powerful brand-new group programs paired with weekly 1:1 support.
In The Group…
Here’s where we’ll begin:
February is The Sacred Void:
Our power, strength, and greatest creations are born from the sacred void.
March is Feel Better:
Based on one of my original - and thoroughly genius, if I say so myself - programs, this is the newest evolution of emotional and mental mastery.
April is wealth activation:
A powerful container of healing to support your journey with money.
The seven programs that follow* will be based off what the group that gathers calls forward - both energetically and in our individual and group conversations.
*The container literally would not let me receive them yet, as the group is still gathering. (The perfectionist in me quails, but forcing things is not the vibe.)
Each program will look a bit different, based on how the material wants to come through. Most will be a combination of teachings based on a decade of growth, evolution, and experimentation, as well as what I receive intuitively. Many will include the powerful group healings I’m known for, along with group time for q&A or laser coaching around each specific topic.
in the work we do as a cohort, each topic will feature Channeled guidance paired with potent energy working beneath the surface to support you in moving forward with joy and purpose.
1:1 support
Each week you’ll get 30 minutes with me.
we can chat about anything in your life - relationships, work, money, moving through big feelings, that book you’re writing - to help you find your best path forward. Sessions often include intuitive guidance with practical steps.
Feeling deeply seen in this way is transformative.
Beginning in the spring, you’ll have the opportunity to trade your four coaching sessions for the month for an intensive - a longer session of channeled healing. In these intensives, we’ll go into the quantum realm and see what pops forward for you. These sessions are deep, profound, and the ripples can be felt for months, sometimes years.
Doors close on February 2!
what past clients have said about 1:1 sessions with me:
“I felt amazing after our intensive. Over our month together, I've experienced dramatic shifts in unexpected ways. I'm really happy about ending 2019 on a focused, peaceful and feel good note. Working with you is the best decision I've made all year.” - Simone Paget
You have that ability to pass on messages the way each one of of us understands. It was really deep, powerful, clear, beautiful and healing. I couldn't have made a better choice of healer for it. Thank you.” - Kavita Oommen
"Working with Amber was one of the best things I’ve done in a long, long time. Such a wonderful experience. Make sure you grab the opportunity with both hands.” - Liv White
“I feel like this was a turning point in my life. The tools and insights have made a difference every single day since then. I’ve had a lot of fear around actually showing up in my life, and you’ve created a safe and loving space for me to explore and be supported, and I will be forever grateful. Thank you for doing this work, and for being brave enough to share your light - it’s helped me so much to feel comfortable sharing mine.” - Lize-Mari
“Working with you has been life changing. It’s been everything. Thanks for being so awesome, Amber, and for walking with me through this brilliant phase of my development. You’ve been integral. - Sharon
“I’ve learned so much about bringing in my miracles from you! Thank you so much. I now trust that I can bring in everything I need.” - Courtney
How will this help?
The Explorer will ignite your creative fire.
It will support you as you step into your next phase, your next evolution - of your work, your life, your relationships, your soul.
It will land you smack in the zone.
It will bring your gifts in this life to the forefront.
It will support you deeply - mind, body, emotions, spirit, finances, relationships, nervous system.
It will help you flow up the emotional scale, while also processing your feelings in the way they’re calling for, possibly for the first time in your life.
It will show you who you really are.
It will remind you of your true power, true magic, and true capacity.
It will remind you that you can do anything.
WHO is this FOR?
I work with a lot of authors and artists, channels and healers, empaths, neurodivergent peeps, and Sensitive souls, creatives and superheroes.
But The Explorer is for anyone who resonates with these words, whether you identify with a label or not.
If you’re ready and willing to lead yourself with love, devote yourself to the daily practice of tuning in with your guidance and following what comes through, you’ll flourish here.
If you want to feel your power spark to life within you,
this is for you.
"From the beginning of the session I was blown away ... like we were all together on the brink of something magical." - Marian Schembari
“Thank you (tears in my eyes and a very relaxed heart). I was feeling desperate for this - it was such medicine. I’m going to listen and listen and listen because it just made me feel stronger, grounded, hopeful.” - Ali Lawrence
"This is magic." - Tori Amoscato
"I felt waves of energy through my body. I feel like my cells are all rearranging and are now orienting to my body in this new way." - Kate Marolt
a sacred year-long container to support you deeply as you step into your magic and focus it to create the life you want.
"Amber's intuitive gift is truly that - a gift. As a writer, I found myself stuck for several months - trying to wade through the common swamps of uncertainty, anxiety, and "what will they think of me"? I found myself breathing enormous sighs of relief as Amber channeled through questions based on my writing issues. She got it - and she provided me with the clarity and guidance that I had been seeking (perhaps for my entire writing career). I furiously scribbled pages of notes as she spoke to me - notes that I've continued to refer back to in the days after, when I find myself falling back into familiar patterns of doubt. Amber's work is a life raft and a lighthouse for writers, for humans. I'm so grateful for the path she's shown me." - Jenna Britton
Your big work in the world takes shape and blossoms
Deeper connection with your higher self
Sudden uptick in your intuitive super powers
Increased peace, joy, and prosperity
Inner healing that ripples into exciting outer change
You sleep well the nights of our sessions and healings
Magnified power and light
Deep sense of self-love that overflows into the rest of your life
Ground firmly into your true self
Major artistic flow
Clear guidance through challenges
Acceleration of your timeline
Fresh drive and clarity around your big purpose on the planet
"Amber is beyond wise and has a special connection with exactly what we need to hear as creatives in this world. My work can fit into two buckets: Before Amber and After Amber. Before Amber I constantly felt guilty about the work I wasn't doing and never took the time to look at everything I'd done as a whole. After Amber means I now give myself permission to take care of myself as a human, which ultimately means I foster the writer. I've stopped trying so hard to bleed myself dry every time I sit in front of my computer. Instead, I write when it feels enjoyable. The result? I've produced significantly more work and it's actually been good. Writers are too hard on themselves, making us prime candidates for an injection of Amber's wisdom.” - Marian Schembari
10 spots are available.
$11,111 for the full year, or $1,111 a month.
Doors close on February 2.
We begin on February 4.
The group programs will mostly be live, with recordings if you can’t make it live or want to rewatch.
HI, I'm Amber
Helping you remember your magic and brilliance is my joy and my jam. I'm a channel, writer, healer, and coach. The guidance I channel supports you in finding your own answers and your own path, reflecting your genius back to you. Because you have such a bright light and your joy is so deeply needed, now more than ever.
As a clear channel, I act as the bridge for this divine wisdom and healing - but we're co-creating this space together. Our shared light amplifies everyone’s light and power exponentially.
I’m a 5/1 manifesting generator, double Cancer with a Virgo moon, and mildly obsessed with giraffes.
I can’t wait to support you this year!
xo - Amber
questions? Reach out to me here.
Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive channel and coach, not a medical or health practitioner. Each person who receives this work takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur.