Tap into the miracles that are waiting for you.

Holiday healing bundle

Eleven healings to help you call in miracles, make the most of this holiday season, and feel deeply supported in your energy, emotions, and nervous system.


If you’re ready for some of those miracles advertised on seasonal TV, this is for you.

If stress features as a holiday staple, this is for you.

If you want to end the year with joy and ease, this is for you.

If you want to prepare for the coming new year in a powerful way, this is for you.


1. Holiday Healing

A healing to support you before and after holiday gatherings, and help you call in what you most want to receive and create in the coming year.

2. Snowy Pine Meditation

Let the energy of evergreen clear your energy and help you tune in with your soul.

3. Holiday Healing for Your Business

If you run a creative, healing, or spiritual business (or any other type of business :), this is for you.

(If you’d like the complete set of money healings for your business, that bundle is available here.)

4. Miracles

You are a divine being capable of miracles. In this holiday healing, we feel into miracles already here and tune into those waiting to land. There’s also a physical healing and a golden light download.

5. Winter Solstice Healing

Activate your light on the darkest day of the year - or any time you feel guided. A short and sweet healing to bring light into any area of your life that needs it now.

6. Connect with Your Soul

Connect with your true essence and vibrate with your soul. By doing so, you call in your most aligned reality - magnetizing opportunity, money, love, and joy into your experience.

7. Healing for Frustration

Here’s an infusion of divine energy to help you process frustration and glean any wisdom that frustration has for you.

8. Root Chakra Healing

Hang with Mary Magdalene and the unicorns for a root chakra healing as well as support in clearing, discerning, and rewriting your story to reflect your truth.

9. Heart Healing

Mary Magdalene with a heart healing and meditation, energetic protection, and tapping into your inner riches.

10. Angel Tree

Healings and activations and energetic boundaries, oh my! Archangel Michael helps us activate our angelic DNA and work with new manifestation techniques.

11. Elevate

Step out of suffering. Toast wisdom marshmallows with Joan of Arc over dragon fire. Meet your future self and ask for advice. Play with quantum manifestation. Receive energy clearing and protection.

Just relax, steep in the big energy, and allow your miracles to unfold.

A link to the bundle will be in the thank-you message after check out, if you want to listen immediately.

You’ll also get a welcome email with access within a day or two.



"Thank you so much. I've been doing energy work, in various forms and with lots of very skilled healers, for over 15 years. These healings with you have been among the most powerful and effective that I have ever received. I'm a healer myself, and I have to say, I have no idea what you do. I typically don't even follow what it is that is going on (very unusual for me) - I think simply because what you're doing is so far beyond my skill level. All I know is, you shift BIG things. Fast. So many things I've been struggling with (for months, years - and had numerous people work on), after your group sessions are moving and/or gone. And, this is without even working one-on-one with you. I don't know how you do it, but it seems like even in these group healings, whatever you're calling in is just perfect for me. It's like you're reading my mind. I can't say thank you enough." - Si

"I was participating in the healing and, with my eyes closed, I saw a HUGE flash of light come down on me. My heart began to race and then suddenly went calm. I felt peaceful. I've never experienced anything like that before." - Heidi

"OMG, beauty of a session. Thank you, Amber! I’m just emerging now. I feel so, so, so refreshed. and more deeply feeling how love and the heart are all one continuum - and of course it's so much deeper than those words." - Sharon

"This is magic." - Tori Amoscato



Helping magical people step into their purpose, power, and light is my joy and my jam. You have so much love, power, peace, joy, and light within you. These healings will help you tap more deeply into what’s already there, while supporting your nervous system .

As we bring our magic forward, our lives and the lives of those around us take another giant leap.