I’m a weird, magical, otherworldly creature who mainly talks to other weird magical creatures - most of whom aren’t even in this dimension. Yes, this makes for a rich inner life.

Since you’re reading this (hi!), I bet you relate. (Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!)

In my world, Jesus rides around in the backseat of my car and throws me birthday raves - complete with unicorns doing backflips on trampolines and plenty of wine. Archangel Michael cleans my house. I nap with lions, ride dragons, zip up and down rainbow bridges, walk the savanna with giraffes, whip around to other star systems, and generally play in the multi-verse.

To most people, this probably sounds bat shit crazy. Maybe it is. But it’s where life has taken me - and luckily for both of us, you aren’t most people.

(Or you are, but are intrigued enough to keep reading. Which probably means you have dragons trying to climb in your back window. You should go let them in and maybe offer them a snack. Dragons like red hots served in a bucket.)

Raised in the Church of Hippie, I fled to the East Coast for college (Barnard in Manhattan, to get super specific) before doing a swan dive into unhealthy relationships and alcohol, wrestling myself out, and hurtling into a decade-long period of intense self-discovery. Mostly via becoming really well-versed in the grief process, something that truly sucked, but also cracked me open enough to begin down this path of delightful weird.

My coolest superpower is the ability to channel guidance and healing for people outside of space and time. My shittiest superpower is knowing when people are thinking mean things about me. I’ve had visions since I was a sprout and began playing with them in earnest about six years ago. I feel things energetically and know things I have no reason to know. For a long time, I just thought I was crazy. Learning what’s what - what’s mine and what isn’t, how to identify what shows up, and how to talk to the particular otherworldly being in my ear at the moment - has been a life saver.

I live in Petaluma with my boyfriend, two cats named Cosmo and Sera, and my stuffed therapy otter, Sally.* I spend my days writing, coaching, dancing around the living room, sitting under trees, and reading a lot of novels.

(*Sally got me through a miscarriage and we became inseparable. She likes sardines and writing love notes to people on the internet. Sometimes I strap her into the front seat of my car and we put the top down and go swerving around the curves of the California coast. It’s all totally normal.)


Paddled around with a (real) sea otter in the Pacific Ocean, spent a summer in Florence, ran a marathon, wrote a book of children’s fables, performed with Santana, danced in Vegas (specifically, in a Forever 21 dressing room), drove across Costa Rica in torrential rain, threw up next to a bridge in Amsterdam, watched my dad die, channeled for a room full of people, miscarried, watched trees genuflect in the eye of a hurricane, wrangled a herd of pushy unicorns, skied a black diamond without killing myself, ran a 200-mile relay, ran another 200-mile relay, held a baby goat, handed out thousands of dollars to strangers, avoided having a real job for an impressive length of time, turned cartwheels on a beach.


Go to Kauai this summer. Buy that damn waterpik. Learn how to do something with my hair other than not comb it.

Feed a giraffe my breakfast muffin at the Giraffe Hotel in Kenya, watch the northern lights dance above my head, write a series of novels and a book of essays (working on it!), bake bread (did it!), build an empire (that one might be too much work), go for a hot air balloon ride (that one might be terrifying), write a screenplay and see it on an actual screen, get a King Charles spaniel and maybe a lap chicken.


Laid out here in case you resonate with any of them, know yourself to be any of them, or want to talk about any of them. Because finding fellow souls on this winding path can be a challenge - hi, friend!

Channel, empath, eighth generation sensitive (turns out that’s really goddamn sensitive), clairvoyant, claircognizant, lightworker, mystic, bridge between humans and their magic, between the angelic and the elemental. I’ve been called psychic but I don’t love that one. Manifesting generator with a 5/1 profile. Triple cancer. Spirit translator, trailblazer, dragon-rider, self-proclaimed internet fairy godmother. Dancer, writer, not-amazing baker, less-amazing singer, otter devotee, rom-com fan, giraffe enthusiast.