Spark Your Writing Genius

Spark Your Writing Genius


Tinder for your creative brilliance. Comfort for your artistic soul. Permission to nurture yourself the way you nurture your words. Reminders of how crucial you and your work are to the world. 

This brief yet potent guide helps you find and follow your own writing path. Snippets of inspiration to light your flame and help you spark others with your words. Perfect for novelists, essayists, bloggers, authors, screenwriters, and poets.


# 13: "Write whatever feels most urgent to you now, what feels most pressing, what feels like it needs to tumble out of your chest and into the world."

# 15: "Write what pulls at your heart. Write what feels exciting. Write what no one else is talking about. Write your deepest, truest, hardest story."

#17: "Abandon the notion that self-care is indulgent. You are not a machine."