Money Tree

Money Tree


We live our best life and do our best magic when we feel stable and abundant. Thriving and wildly prosperous.

Quantum healings and daily practices to help you transform your experience with money.


Having more money - a lot more money - isn't about working harder or getting a different job or winning the lottery or or becoming a bestseller or elevating your business in a massive way.

(Though any of those things can happen easily, naturally, and joyfully as you begin unraveling your subterranean blocks.)

Having more money is about adjusting your energetic resonance to a place of powerful abundance.

Cool, right?

(And it doesn’t just mean more money, it means more of a lot of things.)

As a channel and energy healer, I love helping people shift the energy beneath the challenge.

Especially when “shift the energy” = “MOAR MONEYS FOR EVERYONE!”

(She roars, like a T Rex tromping through pools of hundred dollar bills.)


  • Transform your experience of money.

  • Call in the cash

  • Unhook from the collective suffering around money and scarcity mindset

  • Feel better about money (whatever your current challenge or experience happens to be)

  • Upgrade your energy around money

  • Unlock all the treasure you've been gathering in your energetic escrow

  • Rest and integrate (especially important for sensitive souls)

  • Connect with your future self, the one that's already wealthy

  • Clear blocks to receiving

  • Activate your heart

  • Expand into your highest timeline

  • Bend time and space to receive what you want now

  • Lay the groundwork for serious wealth

  • Create at a quantum level

After absorbing these healings, people have:

  • Dramatically increased their income.

  • Landed new soul-aligned jobs.

  • Seen new opportunities for revenue in their business.

  • Felt more comfortable with their feelings around money.

  • Felt more comfortable having money.

  • Evolved their businesses.

  • Paid off their debt.

  • Sent me messages years later about how they’re in a much better financial place.

“Your money healings have already radically improved my life. I've been doing energy work, in various forms and with lots of very skilled healers, for over fifteen years. These healings with you have been among the most powerful and effective that I have ever received. You shift big things. Fast. So many things I've been struggling with (for months, years - and had numerous people work on), after your group sessions are moving or gone. Without even working one-on-one with you. I don't know how you do it, but it seems like whatever you're calling in is just perfect for me. It's like you're reading my mind. I can't say thank you enough.” - Si

“I've learned so much about bringing in my miracles from you! Thank you so much. I now trust that I can bring in everything I need.” - Courtney

“I have to tell you how much I love your money healings. I come away from the sessions feeling energized and vowing to make habits out of the profound wisdom you are channeling. Thank you so much for sharing this gift.” - Bonnie

These energies work with your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body, and your etheric body to help you feel better, ground spiritually, and thrive financially. Because it’s time for you to have all the money you want and need.

How it works: You’ll receive a download with access to all the healings immediately. For technological reasons beyond my direct control, the download seems to expires within 24 hours. If you miss it for some reason, just message me and I’ll get you what you need.

Binge the healings like your favorite Netflix series or do one a day for a month or drop in as your intuition nudges you. Whatever feels good to you.

Disclaimer: I can’t guarantee specific results, obviously. I'm an intuitive channel and healer, not a medical or health practitioner. Each person who receives this work takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur. Don’t listen while driving.