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channeled journey with sacred creatures

because Who doesn't want life coaching from unicorns? 

If you're drawn to unicorns, dragons, or that feisty phoenix - you're in the right place. 

If you perk up when you see internet videos of giraffes, lions, or otters - this is for you. 

If you're so goddamn ready to shine more brilliantly, burn more fiercely, & create with more joy - welcome! The animals are ready to take your order.

Tapping into the energy of these sacred beings helps you remember how powerful a creator you are. They help you to find your tribe and live steeped in love. these sacred creatures are powerful guides and healers - and they're chomping at the bit to spend time with you.

Magical animals help if you’re lonely, frustrated, angry, can’t access your own inner wisdom. If you feel invisible, forgotten.

Working with these animals can change you in unfathomable ways, shifting your life into something that feels so much closer to the real you, the you the world has told you is too much, too intense. These sacred animals remind us that we're simply remembering a time when we created our reality as we saw fit and lifted up the world just by existing. They're ready to help us inhabit that space again, after eons of forgetting.

Sacred animal energy infuses this journey, opening you up to long forgotten talents and gifts, unlocking ancient codes, and inviting you to dance with your higher self in a powerful yet grounded way. When you connect with these animals, you also connect with joy, deep support, love, and your own ability to create anything you want.

Working with these hilariously wise creatures has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Just basking in their energy has shifted me immeasurably. The ways they can help us on this human journey are truly astounding - and so they've been bugging me for months to create something with them.

The Magical Animals of Galilee - this council of seven powerhouse animal energies - is ready to work with humans again, after so many ages in hiding. 

Which, let's be real, is super cool. And I’m so honored they've asked to come through me to help remind you that you’re here to create a magical life, and they're ready to support you on the deepest level, helping you in your human life as we build a new world together. 

If you're ready and eager to hook into your power, your tribe, your genius, your light - this extraordinary animal council can lead the way.

How they want to work with us:

Unicorns: healing and empowering

“We are here to guide you into the next phase of your evolution as a creator, as a powerful intuitive. You are meant to channel divine energy through your body and into your life, into the world. We want to help you find your support, that spark of divine love you carry with you always, and unlock the genius within. Your unique brand of light and genius is desperately needed now and we’re here to help you shine it out.”

Giraffes: intuition and far-seeing wisdom

“You are ready to stick your neck out. You’re ready to ascend to your greatest height and we’re here to support you, to walk with you, to love you on this journey. We will help you walk through fear - intuitively, with feet planted firmly on the ground as you step into your next big evolution. You are wiser than you know - it’s time to access that inner wisdom to help guide your life and your big work in the world.”

Peacocks: being seen in the world

“You are ready to be seen in your true brilliance, your true light. I’m here to clear the path to massive visibility in the world and in your life as you build what you long to build and craft what you’ve been called to craft. It’s time to be your true self, and marvel at the depth of your brilliance. It’s time to shed the layers of ego that mar the glimmer, and shine with the vulnerability and beauty of your soul. It’s time to be seen, beloved souls.”

Phoenix: speedy evolution

“As you step into your true light, whatever cannot exist on this new plane will rise up to be shed. I can help with your burning rebirth, but you aren’t becoming new, you are returning to who you have always been, but with a new understanding of how perfect you are, how bright your heart, and how valued your love. If things are ready to go, you’re ready to let them. I’m here to help you burn away the old to be reborn in the new. Whatever you’re ready to toss onto the blazing bonfire will burn as it’s meant or pop into a fiery re-birth, ready to serve you in a new way. It’s time. A new energy and a new experience awaits.”

Otters: infusing joy into your life 

“Joyful splashing will do more for your life and energy and purpose and heart than any amount of work, any amount of striving, any amount of guilt. We’re here to help you dissolve anything that blocks your joy, to honor your emotions and be in your experience, knowing that observant attention clears the space for delight. Play heals sorrow, play clears pain, play moves you into the next stage of enlightenment. Being supported and cleared by the energy of the otters and the ocean will help you receive in a new way, will help your heart expand into fresh experiences and greater influx of love.”

Lions: finding your tribe

“We are here for warmth, for rest, to help you find your voice and use your roar to create that which you know is possible here on earth, even if the rest of the planet seems to firmly declare that it's not. As your voice rings true, your tribe finds you, and you know the comfort of your pack, even as you blaze your own trail through the world.”

Dragons: high vibe manifestation

“You are creating a new world. A new world of your singular experience and a new world that can be shared with all. We will help you choose and create and birth this new world, as you choose and create and birth your life. For they are one and the same, as you and the dragons are one and the same.” 



  • Unicorn Academy is seven pre-recorded channeled videos, guided by the animal council.

  • Once you purchase the program, you’ll receive an email within 24 hours with access. You’ll receive all seven videos at once - 45 minutes of energetic healing, love, and channeled guidance from each of these animals sent to your inbox.

  • Dig in on your own time, at your own pace, and revisit the sessions as often as you like, to bask in and absorb their high energy. Some people dive in and binge, some pace themselves at one session a week. Do whatever best suits your life and feels right to you.

These animal guides are fun, wise, and capable of incredible energetic healing.

You’ll receive spiritual tools and guidance to help you step into your next phase of life.

join me on the dragon ride!



So much love to you, from me and the animals,

xo - Amber



Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive channel and healer, not a medical or health practitioner. Each person who receives this work takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur. I don’t offer refunds (but am always happy to chat and try to find a solution if something isn’t working for you.) Purchasing this program is an agreement to these terms.