your book is ready to be written.

Your book already exists. your only job is to transcribe it.

Do you need help writing your novel? Of course not. You’ve got this.

The real question is … are you writing your novel?

You have a brilliant book.

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.

Maybe you don’t know how to get started.

Maybe you started and got stuck.

Maybe you find every excuse to not write your novel..

Maybe you start and then stop for months.

Whatever’s going on with you and your book, I’ve got you.

this is like having a personal trainer for your writing.

But instead of box jumps, you write your book.

Sure, you can go to the gym on your own. But do you?

(If you’re anything like me? Then…no. No, you don’t. :)

this is Tinder for your creative spark.

it’s time to let your brilliance blaze.

If having big support as you write sounds like what you need…

If having someone in your corner to help you bust through those creative blocks feels like a huge sigh of relief …

this is for you.

Zero to Scrappy First Draft in three months

We’ll sit down to find your clear path forward.

We’ll have weekly check-ins while you pour your blockbuster onto the page.

(Weekly check-ins are short, sweet, and potent. I’d rather have you writing than talking to me. : )

You’ll also receive free access to CoWriting with the Moon, regular writing-in-community sessions, sacred space to get those words flowing.

Big support for the writer and the words. Because it’s time to get that novel onto the page.

investment is $1,500 to $3,000


Writing Road Map

My aim with this offer is to give you everything you need to get your novel draft onto the page.

We’ll spend an hour together, dissolving any creative blocks in your way and making sure you have a solid path to move forward with your book.

Together we’ll come up with a plan to get your draft onto the page in three months, in a fun and nourishing way, paired with tools to help you keep the creative brilliance flowing.

Practical magic meets potent energy shifts meets DONE!

Investment is $495



“Amber is beyond wise and has a special connection with exactly what we need to hear as creatives in this world. My work can fit into two buckets: Before Amber and After Amber. Before Amber I constantly felt guilty about the work I wasn't doing and never took the time to look at everything I'd done as a whole. After Amber means I now give myself permission to take care of myself as a human, which ultimately means I foster the writer. I've stopped trying so hard to bleed myself dry every time I sit in front of my computer. Instead, I write when it feels enjoyable. The result? I've produced significantly more work and it's actually been good. Writers are too hard on themselves, making us prime candidates for an injection of Amber's wisdom.”  - Marian Schembari


“Working with Amber, I had no idea what to expect beyond that I trusted her. The words she said, calmly and rationally and insistently - were exactly what I needed to hear. So much so that I spent the next two days in bed, almost exhausted for feeling so seen. So recognized. It was like I could finally exhale after carrying around such worry with me. I needed time to process what she said, and then, coming out the other side, I felt reborn and re-energized. As a writer you'd think I'd have better words to explain but I can't: She's magic.” - Laura Jane Williams


“Amber's intuitive gift is truly that - a gift. As a writer, I found myself stuck for several months - trying to wade through the common swamps of uncertainty, anxiety, and "what will they think of me"? I found myself breathing enormous sighs of relief as Amber channeled through questions based on my writing issues. She got it - and she provided me with the clarity and guidance that I had been seeking (perhaps for my entire writing career). I furiously scribbled pages of notes as she spoke to me - notes that I've continued to refer back to in the days after, when I find myself falling back into familiar patterns of doubt. Amber's work is a life raft and a lighthouse for writers, for humans. I'm so grateful for the path she's shown me.” - Jenna Britton

About amber

Everything you need is already contained within you - and you’re ready to tap in. Both practical and spiritual, this work is fun and effective. Together, we’ll bring order to your gorgeous creative chaos - and get your book on the page.

After graduating from Barnard College with a degree in English Literature, I started writing and haven’t stopped yet. I have twenty years of writing experience paired with an intuitive understanding of what writers need. My skills as an energy healer are also deeply supportive during this process.

I’ve been supporting fellow writers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and healers for almost ten years. I adore this work, and I’m so excited to support you - wherever you are on your path. - xo Amber