The Profound Beauty of the Void

Being in the void is one of the scariest things we can experience. We can’t see the way out. We have no idea how or when the situation will resolve, we have no idea if what we want will ever unfold for us. 

But the void is where the rebirth happens, where the transformation begins. 

We can be in the void with a creative project, a business, a relationship. Your entire life may feel like it’s in the void. Maybe you’ve been navigating that rebirth, that scary void, for years. 

I feel you. I’ve been there - for years. Being in the void for a protracted period is one of the hardest things we can go through - when what once worked doesn’t work any more. When what we once relied on fades away. When pieces of ourselves feel lost, or we’ve changed so utterly that we barely recognize ourselves any more. 

We’re required to move through the void to create. 

To create those beautiful things only you can bring into the world, to create a life that surprises and delights you in the best of ways. 

The void feels like nothing, the scariest of nothings. But we create from nothing. 

But first we have to rest in the void. Rather than try to move through it, fight through it, or even heal through it. 

We have to surrender - oh, that word - to the darkness rather than try to light our way out. 

We have to trust that what’s growing within us will bloom in the perfect time - maybe not our prescribed time, but the perfect time for what you’re creating - whether it’s a book, a business, a relationship, a family, or a new phase of life and evolution. 

As someone who navigated the void for years - sometimes resting, sometimes trusting, sometimes trying to fight my way out, I know how scary it is to be in the void, especially when it feels never-ending, when you can measure your void time by calendar years. 

So I want to have a conversation about it. About the challenges and the profound beauty of the void. About how to care for yourself and your life from within the void. How to navigate it so that the profound transformation of the void can find you, can sweep you out when it’s time. Not when you’re ready, but when it’s time. 

Love, Amber